My grandmother met Rose and others like her. Her encounters and a picture from my desktop(2)
She looked to the road nearby (the only place where anyone could come from, there was only one path(n.小路) to the beach) but nobody was there. She shrugged it off and kept playing. 她看了看周圍(那唯一一條通往河邊的小路),但是沒有任何人,她聳聳肩繼續堆沙堡。 She heard the call again. “Dana.” She looked around. Nothing. 「Dana。」她又聽到那個呼喚聲,巡視四周,什麼也沒有。 “DANA!” She jumped, terrified, and ran to the road to see what in the fuck was going on, but nobody was there. She thought one of her friends was fucking with her and decided to turn around and go back to the fortress. 「DANA!」她嚇得跳起來,跑到路上一探究竟,但是空無一人。可能是哪個朋友的捉弄她也說不定? 她決定在附近晃一晃,然後回去沙堡那裡。 Then she saw him. 然後看見那個人。 It was a man, of above average height, maybe 6’4” , dressed in the suit and one of those hats that gentlemen wore in thirties. He had a dark, dark black suit on with white dress shirt underneath(n.襯衫) and a black tie. Holding a cane. Thing is, he was standing in the water knee deep. In a suit that probably cost arm and a leg at that time. 是一個三十多歲的男人,大概6尺四吋左右,像個紳士一樣穿著西裝戴著帽子。 他穿著深黑的外套和白襯衫,全身被西裝包的密不透風。打著黑領帶,拄著一根拐杖,並站在及膝的水中。 She was taken aback, but as any curious kid, she decided to check what was going on. She walked up to the border where waves were ending. He was still standing in the water. 那個男人站在水上。她有點驚嚇,但還是擋不住好奇心的到沙灘上一探究竟。 “Yes, mister?” she asked politely. 「先生,有什麼事嗎?」她很有禮貌地詢問。 “I got something for you.” 「我有東西要給你。」 “Yea? What’s that?” 「真的?是什麼?」 Well, as predictable(adj.可預見的) as the story may be getting, it is unfortunately fucking true. It was an orange. 照這個發展應該會拿到東西吧,很不幸故事就是這麼好猜,拿到一顆橘子。