![](https://i.postimg.cc/MGZLTVn3/777.png) moneyfunny 錢錢 Lv.5:0 Lv.12
![](../img/bmg.gif) ![](../img/bmg.gif)
2014-04-26 03:37:12
為了BASS的遊戲更多元化.吸引更多玩家.增加樂趣令更多使用者享受創作遊戲 錢錢努力用糟糕透頂的英文跟外籍人士進行溝通,從外國網站乞討背景圖片 (因為大部分BASSAVG的繪師都是人物派,背景派嚴重不足>.<) 希望各位多多觀賞外國繪師的作品------- 有些是專業遊戲設計師/繪畫老師的作品,有些是學生的作品 圖片得來不易,過程中有不少繪師拒絕錢錢的請求,所以請大家要好好珍惜/使用圖片!!! 我把繪師的作品和連結放在這裡 方便大家觀賞 當圖片得LAZI大大審核通過以後,錢錢會立即於此頁更新(大家一起祈禱,讓LAZI大大有空幫錢錢通過吧XD 請各位善用意見 Bassavg is a public Chinese website for people to make AVG game and visual novel-game. It is free for people to make games, and the games are not commercial. It is a web site for people to have some fun =D http://bassnovel.com/... The link above is the Eng version of the web site, but the page has not been well-developed so far. As I am one of the Bassavg user,I hope there will be having more people to join us. I uploaded some pictures to Bassavg for game background. The pictures were drawn by professional artists/students across the world. I am so glad that they accepted my request and share their pictures to us. (The pictures are only used for Non-commercial purpose.) Bassavg users/and students can see their name when they pick picture. (you can see the picture below ![](http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e262/money_funny/moreaboutbass_zps4345a585.jpg) I think it might be more appropriate to put those pictures here too, so all Bassvg users can know their name. P.S.如果大家喜歡他們的作品,也可以在他們的主頁用英文留言/進行溝通!!!! 部分繪師也不是英文為母語的,所以即使大家英文爛也不用怕XD!!! (台灣香港之外,還包括美國,德國,土耳其,捷克,南韓,俄國,瑞典,加拿大,英國,立陶宛,法國,盧森堡,丹麥,南非,荷蘭,比利時,挪威...) If Bassavg users love their pictures, please go to their page and commment in ENGLISH such as.... 如"I love your pictures!" "your drawings are amazing!" "I love your artwork!" " Your drawings are gorgeous!!!!!" "Awesome work!" 請大家在言語上多多支持他們XDDDD